
Robust Business Accelerator for Startup Success

How we Support Entrepreneurs

Oklahoma is a prime state to start a business, and Tulsa leads the list for one of the top cities for entrepreneurs. We are bringing Oklahoma entrepreneurs a premium business accelerator, a training program for Oklahoma corporation who want to start their own accelerator program to help grow entrepreneurial resources, and affordable business consulting for small businesses.

How we Support Entrepreneurs

Oklahoma is a prime state to start a business, and Tulsa leads the list for one of the top cities for entrepreneurs. We are bringing Oklahoma entrepreneurs a premium business accelerator, a training program for Oklahoma corporation who want to start their own accelerator program to help grow entrepreneurial resources, and affordable business consulting for small businesses.

Want to Help Support Oklahoma Entrepreneurs?


iSTART’s Mission

Provide all program participants with a level of service that surpasses their highest expectations. Our organization will be the ideal business partner for entrepreneurs who wish to start and grow their new company and for companies looking to launch their own accelerators. Through our efforts we will become drivers of economic growth in the Tulsa community.

Business Valuation Calculator

As a business owner, a business valuation provides multiple facts and figures regarding the actual value of your company, not just where your company is today, but more importantly, where it’s going in the future. It creates a better understanding of your company assets, which provides an accurate valuation of the business. This is also helpful in determining the true resale value of your company on the open market.

What is the Value of My Business?

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